Outdoor Eating: A newly popular health trend

Updated April 14th, 2022

The virus has got the best of us. This wasn’t at all been the 2020 we all expected and needed after a lousy ‘19. Life, though, must go on, and we’ve got to keep the economy going — this means going back to the restaurants we all love, this time, for an outdoor eating experience.

The outdoor dining trend really hit the mainstream when NYC officials blocked off over twenty locations for outdoor dining, where all safety measures, including a proper distance, could be complied.

We’re not just talking about cold beers and pizza, healthy outdoor eating exists, and food is as good as ever. Outdoor eating is the new normality, and it’s only getting stronger. For travelers, this means getting to know new places under a new, exciting light.

What is Outdoor Eating?

This has always been a thing. Terraces, porches, backyards, and patios have always been the most coveted seats in any restaurant. There’s something magical about eating alfresco.

Picnics, which are also trending, are back in the scene. The key here is social distancing. How can you enjoy yourself without the risk of getting infected with coronavirus? Fresh air and plenty of distance between diners have been the safest bet.

Outdoor eating areas near you are easy to find. There are very few restaurants still providing regular, pre-Covid service. Either restaurateurs stick to take out and delivery or they set up an outdoor sitting area.

Staying healthy doesn’t necessarily mean staying inside. In some way, the opposite has proven to be true. Takeout and delivery services are dominated by junk food, and it also makes us overeat. With all the safety measures, eating out makes us eat better and healthier — that’s where outdoor eating comes in.

Traveling to new places is now all about enjoying the outdoors and not confining yourself in a resort or enclosed restaurants. Now you’ll really breathe the air and see places from a different perspective.

What’s the future for Outdoor Eating?

Things are not getting better anytime soon. Yet, life is finding its way. Outdoor eating will be the new normality for years to come. It’s safer, and let’s say it out loud, it’s much more fun!

The thing is, outdoor eating depends on proper weather conditions, and winter is coming. How will restaurants accommodate their patrons on chilly nights? That remains to be seen.

As with everything after the Covid pandemic, it’s all about trial and error. But we’ll keep on traveling, and restaurants will continue to amaze us through healthy eating outdoors or any other creative way they can think of.

Travel, Go Outside and Enjoy the Fresh Air!

We’re living the worst health threat in centuries; yes, we’ve all lost someone. But life goes on, our favorite restaurants need us, and our travel bucket list is still to be fulfilled.

Travel, visit places, and meet new people. Dining out is a travel trend and a widespread phenomenon, and no matter what your next travel destination is, you’ll have a fantastic time having dinner under the stars.