Popular types of activities in Lassen Volcanic National Park

Updated April 26th, 2022
Popular types of activities in Lassen Volcanic National Park

Lassen Volcanic is known for its active volcanoes, which are some of the most active in the world. The area is also known for its hot springs and geysers, which attract tourists from all over the world. There are also several hiking trails in the area, which offer breathtaking views of the volcanoes and the surrounding countryside.

1. Visit the lava beds

Visitors to Lassen Volcanic National Park will find themselves walking on hot, black lava that has cooled to a hard, brittle form. The texture of the lava is rough, and it can be a bit difficult to walk on. The black color of the lava is a result of the high levels of iron and other minerals that are present. Visitors will also find areas where the lava has been covered by ash and other materials from the volcano.

2. Go hiking

There is a lot to see and do when hiking in or near Lassen Volcanic National Park. Some popular hikes include the Mount Lassen Trail, the Lassen Peak Trail, and the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Trail. All of these trails offer beautiful views of the volcanoes and the surrounding landscape. Additionally, many hikers also enjoy exploring the streams and creeks that run through the park.

3. Visit the volcano

When visiting Lassen Volcanic National Park, visitors should expect stunning views of the nearby volcano and the surrounding countryside. During the summer months, the park is often hot and dry, and visitors should expect to encounter occasional wildfires. In the winter, the park can be covered in snow, and visitors should be prepared for slippery conditions.

4. Go camping

Camping in or near Lassen Volcanic is an amazing experience. You'll be surrounded by beautiful nature, and be able to see some of the most amazing volcanoes in the world. You'll also have the opportunity to explore the volcano itself, and see some of the unique geological features that make it so special.

5. Go fishing

Lassen Volcanic National Park is a great place to go fishing in or near the park. You can expect to find a variety of fish, including trout, in the lakes and streams in the area.

6. Visit the hot springs

When visiting the hot springs in or near Lassen Volcanic, visitors should expect to feel the effects of the sulfur-rich water on their skin. The springs are also known for their therapeutic properties, and are often used by locals for various treatments.